June - Month of Divine Victory with Good News Page



June - Month of Divine Victory with Good News


- A snare is a device that is secretly but strategically set up to capture a targeted subject.

- Sometimes, something attractive to the target is used as bait, so that the subject will get in there to eat, and then get entrapped.

- The snare limits the movement and detained the bird to be at the mercy of the fowler. The devil is interested in capturing the believer to make him to be his slave so as not to fulfill the purpose of God for his life.

There are certain experiences one face in life that should give the indication that one is already in the snare of the devil. You need to critically examine your life and watch out for one or more of the following experiences. This should call for a fervent prayer with fasting in order to destroy this snare and for your soul to escape.

1. When you are constantly falling into a sin you do not wish to commit.

2. When you appear to be making progress but reverting back to the starting point.

3. When you are stagnant and unable to move forward in one area or the other.

4. When you always see yourself in a lower position then you are in real life.

5. When good things happen to you in dreams but not manifesting in life.

-you will also need to pray seriously for the snare of the devil to be broken over your life.

6. When you cannot get commensurate result or profit for the labor you put in.

7. Fellowshipping with dead people in the dreams, seeing coffins, graves yard or being buried.

- but the yoke can be destroyed through fervent prayers.

8. All forms of sexual harassment in your dreams and forced feeding.

 Dreams like these are showing the activities of the fowler keeping you captive in one area or the other. 

I pray that the Lord will destroy every manifestation of presence of Fowler in our lives in Jesus’s name.

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